Melissa Rukamp, M.A., LPC, EMDR Certified, Emotional Wellness Coach

As a clinician, psychotherapist, and now emotional wellness  coach, I provide therapeutic interventions that treat the mind, body, and soul of the individual, couple, or family participating in coaching/counseling. Through tailored sessions, I aspire to cultivate an environment of self-discovery, healing, and vision for all those that seek solitude within. Client and coach partner together on a journey to reconcile emotional conflict, attain insight, gain knowledge and foster inspiration. By exploring one’s past, the effects on the present, and looking to the future, therapeutic goals are set through this partnership to bring about a holistic healing.

I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of Wisconsin and am currently practicing at New Day Resource as an Emotional Wellness Coach. By utilizing the training and skills I’ve gained in my clinical practice, I incorporate elements of cognitive behavioral therapy, meditation and mindfulness practice, and EMDR into my now coaching vocation.  Through these refashioned modalities and spiritual foundations, I tailor treatment to fit the needs of each person seeking growth and freedom from those issues troubling them.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors. “What I think, is what I feel, is what I do.” By changing the way we think about something, we naturally feel differently, and then have the power to change how we respond to various situations, people, and places. The benefit of this is that we can change the way we think, to feel/act better, even if the external situation does not change around us.

Mindfulness and meditative practices help to center oneself into the moment and allows oneself to let go of invasive thoughts that often cause anxiety, depression and other forms of emotional discomfort. By learning the simple practice of focused breathing and raising awareness within, the mind is trained to regulate emotion and alleviate stress.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a treatment modality for invasive thoughts/memories related to traumatic experiences in one's past or present. By systematically focusing on targeted memories, while doing various forms of bi-lateral movements (eyes, hands, etc.), one can reprocess those traumas and come to a point of acceptance.  EMDR requires specialized training for the practitioner.  I received my first level of training in 2009 and have continued to be diligent in continuing my education in various EMDR protocols. I have used EMDR to treat addiction, insomnia, anxiety, grief, acute trauma, childhood trauma, chronic trauma, disordered eating, and various other struggles individuals present with. 

I received my Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a double major of Human Communication through Bethel College in 2003. In 2011 I graduated from Lakeland College with my Masters of Arts in Community Counseling. I have my LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor) with a Substance Abuse Certificate connected to me licensure through the state of Wisconsin. I have also taken various post graduate courses and additional trainings to continue my education.

Schedule with Melissa

More information about EMDR